Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Zulkifli Nordin

Pihak media hari ini meminta saya membuat komen tentang kes himpunan di bangunan Majlis Peguam pada 9 Ogos lepas serta ancaman tindakan disiplin oleh PKR.

Saya menegaskan bahawa saya menyertai himpunan tersebut sebagai mewakili Peguam Pembela Islam (PPI) dan bukannya PKR. Oleh itu tidak timbul soal melanggari dasar PKR.

Selanjutnya saya tegaskan, tidak timbul isu saya merempuh forum tersebut dan menghentikannya. Ini kerana pihak Majlis Peguam telah mengadakan persetujuan dengan pihak Polis untuk menghentikan forum tersebut pada pukul 10 pagi. Saya dijemput oleh pihak Majlis Peguam melalui Setiausahanya En. Lim Chee Wee untuk naik ke atas bagi mengesahkan forum tersebut telah dihentikan. Saya dan beberapa sahabat naik diiringi polis dan tepat jam 10am saya mengesahkan penutupan forum tersebut. Saya juga memberi jaminan peserta forum boleh beredar dengan selamat. Dan terbukti semua peserta forum telah beredar dengan selamat.

Setelah berpuashati bangunan telah dikosongkan, saya meminta para hadirin himpunan aman tersebut bersurai. Kenyataan yang mendakwa saya menceroboh sebenarnya adalah satu fitnah dan rekaan pihak yang tidak bertanggungjawab.

Di dalam kenyataan akhbar tadi, sekali lagi saya mengecam tindakan anti-Islam yang di ambil oleh pihak Majlis Peguam. Saya juga memberi amaran akan mengusulkan kepada Parlimen untuk mengecam dan menegur Majlis Peguam dan mengarahkannya untuk menghentikan sebarang tindak tanduk yang berbau anti Islam. Insyallah saya akan memfailkan notis usul tersebut dalam masa terdekat ini.


Zulkifli Noordin

Zulkifli Nordin resurfaces unrepentant

PARLIAMENT, Aug 18 - PKR MP Zulkifli Nordin today emerged from hiding – unrepentant and defiant over his role in the fracas at the Bar Council’s forum on conversion and Islam on August 9.

Indeed, he was in a fighting mood and said that he was considering proposing a motion in Parliament to sanction the Bar Council for its anti-Islam stand.

The lawyer was at the forefront of protests by Muslim groups and was criticized even by his party officials for employing rough house tactics and rough language. Immediately after the forum was halted by the police, Zulkifli could not be contacted.

Today he was swamped by the press when Parliament reconvened.

"For me Islam comes first. I am a Muslim first, a party member second. A Muslim first, a lawyer second. A Muslim first, an MP second.

"You attack Islam, I'll be there, even if I have to do it on my own.

Whatever it is, Islam comes first," said Zulkifli, the MP for Kulim Bandar Baru.

Speaking to reporters at a press conference in the lobby, Zulkifli said that he did not barge into the forum but had been invited in by the council's secretary Lim Chee Wee to verify that the forum had ended.

"I went in to diffuse the situation and to confirm the forum had stopped. That was the purpose. I was invited up, otherwise how did I get in?

"I didn't kick the door and barge in, but the picture painted now is as if

I barged in and that is a total lie," he said.

Zulkifli said that there was a heated exchange of words between three representatives from Muslim NGOs that accompanied him and a few forum participants.

"When I was inside I did not say a word, I did not do anything. I am just disappointed when some participants of the forum started hurling rough language at the others with me (NGO representatives). They reacted but the situation was calmed by the police," he said.

He said that sensitive matters should be discussed behind closed doors with the relevant agencies.

"When you talk of sensitivities of others, do so behind closed doors and only invite those in authority. Don't invite any Tom, Dick or Harry. You can talk about Islam but you cannot talk for Islam.

"I don't call any mamak chendol or kacang putih seller to talk about Hinduism, do I? That would only look stupid. I would call the priest, the authority and then I can get a better picture on Hinduism.

"Just because some mosquito group of Muslims start talking about Islam, they represent Islam. I don't think that is fair.

"We have authorities, Jabatan Kemajuan Islam Malaysia (Jakim), Yayasan Dakwah Islam Malaysia, IKIM, UIA ... we have a lot of authorities. Why invite those mosquitoes?

"We have to respect each other's rights.We Muslims have been tolerant enough all this while, for so many years we have been asked, forced to live under the law that is not Islam. We have been forced," he said.

Zulkifli also took issue with the Bar Council, saying that it was "anti-Islam" and had taken a position in court cases involving converts.

Also, he noted that the Bar Council had representatives on the Attorney-General’s committee on amendments to the Family Law, Child's Act.

He said that he may consider filing a motion in Parliament to sanction and reprimand the Bar Council for their "anti-Islam" stand.

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